
Following in Abraham Kuyper’s footsteps

Marjolein de Jong18 October 2020
George Harinck (62) is professor at the VU and an expert on everything Abraham Kuyper.

“The coronavirus is here to stay.”

Annemiek Simons14 April 2020
“During this outbreak, everything depends on the capacity of hospitals to provide people with artificial respiration.”


Frauke van Goethem8 April 2020
Fake news is flourishing these days, but why? We asked Ivar Vermeulen, associate professor in Communication Science and fake news researcher.

‘Invest now in digital skills for the elderly’

Omayra Mac Donald8 April 2020
The far-reaching government measures for the coronavirus outbreak are making personal contact very difficult for elderly. How can we contribute?

Heineken’s Kelsey Sibley entered HR via Biology

Marjolein de Jong24 March 2020
The American-born Kelsey Sibley studied Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences at the VU Amsterdam.

Placenta full of plastic?

Marjolein de Jong24 March 2020
It is highly likely that our bodies contain microplastics, but are they also inside the cells of unborn children?

House-bound no more: elderly less lonely

Marjolein de Jong23 March 2020
Theo van Tilburg, sociologist at the VU Amsterdam, has studied loneliness among elderly Dutch people.

Back to the origins of eroticism? Sexperiment!

Marjolein de Jong17 December 2019
We seem to have a limited view of what sexuality is, according to philosopher Ype de Boer.

'I traded business for television'

Marjolein de Jong30 October 2019
Sandra Ysbrandy had worked her way up the ladder at Rabobank, however she decided to set a radical new course for her career.

How theologian Gerko lost his faith

Marjolein de Jong5 October 2019
Gerko Tempelman attended the Vrije Universiteit to get a degree in theology, but lost his faith along the way.