
‘Women still do not receive the same healthcare as men’

16 February 2025
Women and men differ biologically and socially, yet healthcare neglects this. Gender awareness isn’t optional—it’s essential, says Petra Verdonk.

Psychologist David van den Berg: 'We must stop reducing people to a label'

15 February 2025
Clinical psychologist David van den Berg aims to break away from rigid mental health diagnoses that confine people, as a professor at VU Amsterdam.

Psychiatrist: 'Brain and gut more connected than you might think'

Marjolein de Jong29 November 2023
Psychiatrist and VU alumna Iris Sommer emphasises the significant role gut bacteria play in combating diseases like depression and Parkinson's.

Unknown facts about saliva

Redactie VU Magazine27 November 2023
„Een druppel spuug bevat soms al een miljard bacteriën, maar dat is allesbehalve een slechte zaak”, aldus hoogleraar Orale Biochemie Floris Bikker.

VU lecturer Petra Verdonk: ‘Criticising your own organisation is frowned upon’

Marjolein de Jong15 May 2023
Senior lecturer Petra Verdonk is proud to call herself a climate activist and is now also fighting the climate crisis during office hours.

Better understanding of brain diseases: VU Amsterdam scientists map the brain

Marjolein de Jong8 November 2022
Professor of neurophysiology Huib Mansvelder has been awarded one million dollars for brain research. His goal is to create an atlas of the brain.

'I always wanted to stay in control of my life'

Marjolein de Jong13 December 2021
Cees Smit was born with the rare illness of haemophilia. Although he wasn’t expected reach old age he’ll be 71 this month.

VU students develop vaccination strategy

Redactie VU Magazine31 August 2021
Having your class assignment that turns into a national vaccination plan would be an unexpected outcome for most. But it happened to five students.

Placenta full of plastic?

Marjolein de Jong24 March 2020
It is highly likely that our bodies contain microplastics, but are they also inside the cells of unborn children?

How a hallucinogenic trip can change your life for the better

Marjolein de Jong17 December 2019
The building in Zandvoort that once functioned as a church is now the backdrop for a special type of retreat sessions with psychedelic truffles.