
Berno Bucker developed an app that supports aesthetic choices: 'It's not an Instagram filter.'

Marjolein de Jong27 June 2024
We all know that first impressions matter.

Corien van Zweden wrote a book based on her father's diaries: 'It felt like I was trespassing forbidden ground.'

Marjolein de Jong17 April 2024
Writer Corien van Zweden studied theology at VU Amsterdam, but lost her faith after a trip to Pakistan. "I got the craft of writing in return."

VU alumna Nynke Sietsma wrote a book about her deceased son

Marjolein de Jong4 March 2024
Journalist Nynke Sietsma (43) lost her son Berend to cancer at the age of four and wrote the poignant book B.

Psychiatrist Christiaan Vinkers: 'Burnout doesn't exist'

Marjolein de Jong4 March 2024
According to psychiatrist Christiaan Vinkers, accurately diagnosing burnout is impossible.

From Vocational Training to PhD: 'Being underestimated serves as fuel'

Marjolein de Jong4 March 2024
Sara Ben Hmido is far from following a standard career path: after starting in vocational training, she quickly climbed to pre-university education.

Psychiatrist: 'Brain and gut more connected than you might think'

Marjolein de Jong29 November 2023
Psychiatrist and VU alumna Iris Sommer emphasises the significant role gut bacteria play in combating diseases like depression and Parkinson's.

Racism in elderly care: an overlooked problem

Marjolein de Jong27 November 2023
According to Saskia Duijs, racism in the workplace is an overlooked issue. „The harm is concealed in the silence of white colleagues and supervisors."

Unknown facts about saliva

Redactie VU Magazine27 November 2023
„Een druppel spuug bevat soms al een miljard bacteriën, maar dat is allesbehalve een slechte zaak”, aldus hoogleraar Orale Biochemie Floris Bikker.

VU lecturer Petra Verdonk: ‘Criticising your own organisation is frowned upon’

Marjolein de Jong15 May 2023
Senior lecturer Petra Verdonk is proud to call herself a climate activist and is now also fighting the climate crisis during office hours.

Better understanding of brain diseases: VU Amsterdam scientists map the brain

Marjolein de Jong8 November 2022
Professor of neurophysiology Huib Mansvelder has been awarded one million dollars for brain research. His goal is to create an atlas of the brain.